Import design Package from one environment to another environment using design manager

Santhosh Babu
Technology Specialist
January 9, 2014
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In this post I am going to import design package from one environment to another environment like development server to SIT server. Based on Microsoft recommended “the deployment user must have the Designers permission level in site collection to use Design Manager and import design packages.”

The previous post already I have explained for how to created design manager package WSP file. In this post I have reuse the WSP file for importing the same.

Step 1: Open the site then click design manager link from right top corner "Settings" menu.


Step 2: Once open the design manager click the “Import a complete design package”



Step 3: Browse and select the WSP file and click open then click import button. It will take some time.


Step 4: Once import process completed get the following status

“Import of package "DesignManger-1.0.wsp" succeeded.”

Step 5: Again click the design manager and click “Edit master page” link. You will see the “HTMLpage” – Master page is available in the list in Draft status.


Step 6: Select the Master Page and publish a major version.


Step 7: After publishing the page click setting menu and select “Site setting” link



Step 9:


Click Master Page link and select the HTMLPage in site master page category drop down menu then click ok button.






Step 10:

Click the home page the Htmlpage converted to SharePoint Master Page with default menu.


Happy Coding.

SanthoshBabu ManickaMohan

Category : SharePoint

Author Info

Santhosh Babu
Technology Specialist
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Working as a Technology Specialist in SharePoint ~ Cognizant more

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