Azure Cognitive Search for SharePoint Content – Part 2

Azure Cognitive Search enhances the search capabilities of SharePoint content. Integration can be done through Azure Cognitive Search API.


Azure Cognitive Search for SharePoint Content – Part 1

Azure Cognitive Search can be integrated with SharePoint to provide enhanced search capabilities within SharePoint.


How to Manage Azure Cognitive Search Index using REST API

The Azure Cognitive Search Index is a compelling tool that can be used to configure, create, and manage search indexes. In this article, we will explore how to manage the Azure Cognitive Search Index using  …read more


Implement B2C Authentication in NextJS using Azure AD – Part 1

How to use MSAL to authenticate user in Azure Active Directory B2C (Business-to-Consumer) with their applications using social identity providers (such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon) as well as local accounts.


How to use MSAL in Next.js to authenticate users in Azure AD

Use MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) library in nextjs application which allows you to authenticate users with Azure Active Directory (AAD) or Microsoft personal accounts (MSA) in your application.


Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) CLI for more productivity and easy debugging

Configure Azure Static Webapps CLI to easily debug both frontend and api dev server in one place for static webapps application.


How to add an API in Azure Static Web Apps and use in Nextjs application

Create an API for Azure Static Web Apps and utilize in the client side solution


Deploy Nextjs application to Azure Static Web App

Create and deploy nextjs application in azure static web app


How to Create a Simple Outlook Add-In Using Azure Web Apps

Step by Step procedure to create an Outlook Add-In using Azure WebApp


Manage API collections & Version Control through Postman

Manage API collections version control, forks, resolve conflicts, and merge changes through Postman