Tip – Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is not Responding in VM

A quick Tip about the VSCode is not responding.


Step by Step Procedures to Integrate Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) with Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Projects

In this article we will see how to Integrate VSTS with Visual Studio Code for SharePoint Framework Projects. Usually we will be using GIT with the VSCode. But there is an extension called “Visual Studio Team Services” for the VSCode. Let us see how to use that extension to CheckOut and CheckIn our source code using the TFVC in VSTS.


Visual Studio Code – The Latest IDE for the Client Side Coding

Visual Studio Code – Download & Installation


Automate Angular Js / Javascript code analysis with EsLint and Gulp Js in Visual Studio

EsLint helps us to avoid silly mistakes that happens in a JavaScript program. For example it is always hard to find a missing variable or function in a medium or large JavaScript application