Must have VS Code Extensions for every Angular Js developer who moved from Visual Studio

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
December 4, 2016
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This list of must have VS Code extensions are my personal favourites for working in both Angular 1 and Angular 2 projects. While I switched from Visual Studio to VS Code sometime back ( way before plugins were introduced in VS Code) , I felt,  brackets editor as a better choice than VS Code. Once plugins are enabled / available for VS Code, it became my favourite editor and I never missed my Visual Studio which was my favourite IDE for more than a decade .

My Favourite Extensions ( refer recommended extensions options explained below for quick installation )

1. Path Intellisense

2. HTML Hint

3. TS Lint

4. HTML CSS Support

5. JS- CSS-HTML Formatter


7. Git History

8. Office UI Fabric Snippets

9. Bootstrap Snippets

10. Angular UI Bootstrap Snippets

11. Angular 1 JavaScript and Typescript Snippets

12. Angular 2 Typescript Snippets

13. Angular 2 Files

13. Chrome Debugger

14. VS Code Icons

15. Dark Chrome Dev tools

16. Sublime Material Theme

Configuring workspace recommended extensions

There are multiple ways to install extensions in VS Code. One easiest option to maintain all your favourite extensions across your development PCs is by configuring  “workspace recommendations”. Follow the bellow steps to make a favourite list of extensions across your development Pc’s

1. Navigate to Extensions Pane in VS Code

2. Click the top right menu and select “Configure Recommended Extensions (Workspace)”


3. This would create a file named “extensions.json” under “.vscode” folder


4. Copy paste the below code to add the above listed extensions to your workspace

5. To install the extensions, under Extensions pane, click the top right menu and select “Show Workspace Recommended Extensions”


6. From the listed extensions, click “Install” to install the extensions that you would prefer to have from the recommended list

Category : Angular Js, VS Code

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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