Understand the basics of how to create and provision a custom page in SharePoint 2013 with Visual Studio 2012

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
January 6, 2014
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The steps involved in creating and provisioning a custom page in SharePoint is almost same as that of creating and provisioning a custom page layout.

Follow the same steps explained in the previous article on how to create and provision a custom page layout and make the below changes.

1. Rename the file to samplepage.aspx ( Just to differentiate , nothing special about the name)

2. Change the Url attribute to “Pages” in the module node of Elements.xml

That’s it. Build and deploy the solution. Now you would have the samplepage.aspx provisioned into the pages library

So, basically it means that the same page can be provisioned as page as well as page layout. It’s the deployed location which decides how the file has to be treated.

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Category : Tips

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. ...read more

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