Create Folder structure Under Style Library in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
December 1, 2015
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Mostly the artifacts under the Style Library will be deployed as a WSP. But in some scenario, as patch, we may need to introduce some files and folders on the Style Library. In that case, we cannot go with the WSP. In that case, a simple PowerShell Script will be handy to create the folders. In this article, let us see how to create folders under the style library on SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell.

The script is straight forward.

 ## Description	: To do the below two items.
     #1. Create the Folder Structure Under the Style Library
 ## Author		: Sathish Nadarajan
 ## Date			: 16-Nov-2015
 ##============================================ Setup Input Paths ===========================================================
 $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "-- Create Folders --"
 $StartDate = Get-Date
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "------------------------------------"
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "| Create Folders under Style Library |"
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "| Started on: $StartDate |"
 Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "------------------------------------"
 $LogTime = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm
 $LogFile = ".CreateFolders-$LogTime.rtf"
 #start-transcript $logfile
 $scriptBase = split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent
 Set-Location $scriptBase
 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
 function AddPowerShellSnapin()
         Write-Host "Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green
         # Try to get the PowerShell Snappin.  If not, then adding the PowerShell snappin on the Catch Block
         Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" 
         if($Error[0].Exception.Message.Contains("No Windows PowerShell snap-ins matching the pattern 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell' were found"))
             Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
     Write-Host "Finished Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green
 function CreateFolder([Xml]$Config)
     $spsite = Get-SPSite $Config.Configuration.PublishingSite.URL
     $web = $spsite.RootWeb
     $styleLibrary = $web.Lists["Style Library"]
     foreach($ParentFolder in $Config.Configuration.ParentFolders.ParentFolder)     
         Write-Host "Going to Create the Folder : " $ParentFolder.Name
         $folder = $styleLibrary.ParentWeb.GetFolder($styleLibrary.RootFolder.Url + "/" + $ParentFolder.Name);
         if($folder.Exists -eq $false)
             $folder = $styleLibrary.AddItem("", [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $ParentFolder.Name)
             write-host "Parent Folder Created Successfully.." -ForegroundColor Green
             foreach($SubFolder in $ParentFolder.SubFolders.SubFolder)     
                 Write-Host "Going to Create the SubFolder : " $SubFolder.Name
                 $subFolder = $styleLibrary.ParentWeb.GetFolder($folder.URL + "/" + $SubFolder.Name);
                 if($subFolder.Exists -eq $false)
                     $subFolder = $styleLibrary.AddItem($folder.URL, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $SubFolder.Name)
                     write-host "Sub Folder : " $SubFolder.Name " Created Successfully.." -ForegroundColor Green
                     write-host "Sub Folder : " $SubFolder.Name " is already there" -ForegroundColor Yellow
             write-host "Folder : " $folder.Name " is already there.." -ForegroundColor Green
             foreach($SubFolder in $ParentFolder.SubFolders.SubFolder)     
                 Write-Host "Going to Create the SubFolder : " $SubFolder.Name
                 $subFolder = $styleLibrary.ParentWeb.GetFolder($folder.URL + "/" + $SubFolder.Name);
                 if($subFolder.Exists -eq $false)
                     write-host "Sub Folder : " $SubFolder.Name " Not There" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                     $subFolder = $styleLibrary.AddItem($folder.URL, [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder, $SubFolder.Name)
                     write-host "Sub Folder : " $SubFolder.Name " created successfully" -ForegroundColor Green
                     write-host "Sub Folder : " $SubFolder.Name " is already there" -ForegroundColor Green
     $ConfigXmlPath = $scriptBase + "..ConfigXMLFolderStructure.xml"
     Write-Host "Read the Config Values" -ForegroundColor Green 
     [Xml]$Config = Get-Content $ConfigXmlPath  
     CreateFolder $Config #Passing the Entire Config Values
     Write-Host "Custom Exception Happened on Main : " + $Error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red  

The sample Config XML would be as below.

 <Configuration EnvironmentName="Dev5">
   <PublishingSite URL="http://MySiteCollection/" />
 	  <ParentFolder Name="TestFolder">
 			<SubFolder Name="css"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="fonts"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="img"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="js"></SubFolder>
 	  <ParentFolder Name="TestFolder2">
 			<SubFolder Name="css"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="fonts"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="img"></SubFolder>
 			<SubFolder Name="js"></SubFolder>


Happy Coding,

Sathish Nadarajan.

Author Info

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
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Sathish is a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint (Office Servers and Services) having 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Aided Design and Business more

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