How to Add Discussion Board on SharePoint 2013 on a publishing site by Team Collaborating Lists

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
November 16, 2013
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Here let us see, how to add a Discussion Board list on SharePoint 2013 with “Out Of the Box” as well as through “visual studio 2012”. By default we cannot find the Discussion Board List on the App section. Let us see in detail. For that, let me take a blank sharepoint Publishing Site.


Go to the Settings and SiteContents.


Go to Add an App


On the page, you can find the list of Apps already installed on the site.


But in that, you cannot find an App for the Discussion Board. To see that, we need to activate the “Team Collaboration Lists” Feature on the Site Features List.

For that go to the Site Settings.


On the Site Actions section, you can find the Manage Site Features Link.


There activate the “Team Collaboration Lists” Feature.


That’s it. You can find the App Discussion Board on the Add an App section.


Select that and create your own Discussion Board List.

Now, let us see, how we can add a Discussion Board List using Visual Studio. Though it is straight forward, let us see how to do that as well.

Open the visual studio and create an Empty SharePoint 2013 solution.

Right click on the solution and Add new item.


Select the List and name your list.


Discussion Board List cannot be customized. Hence, we can create only a list instance. Not a list template for a discussion board.


That’s it. You can get your Discussion Board list on your visual studio. On Deploy this solution, we can see our List Deployed.


Happy Coding.

Sathish Nadarajan

Author Info

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
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Sathish is a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint (Office Servers and Services) having 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Aided Design and Business more

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