In the earlier article, we saw how to deploy the Farm Solution. In the same manner, there are certain changes required for the SandBox Solution. Let us have a look at them as well.
## Description : To do the below two items.
#1. Deploy the SandBox Solutions
## Author : Sathish Nadarajan
## Date : 20-Nov-2015
##============================================ Setup Input Paths ===========================================================
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "-- Deploy the SandBox Solutions into Site Collection --"
$StartDate = Get-Date
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "------------------------------------"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "| Deploy the SandBox Solutions into Site Collection |"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "| Started on: $StartDate |"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "------------------------------------"
$LogTime = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm
$LogFile = ".DeploySandBoxSolution-$LogTime.rtf"
#start-transcript $logfile
$scriptBase = split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent
Set-Location $scriptBase
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function AddPowerShellSnapin()
Write-Host "Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green
# Try to get the PowerShell Snappin. If not, then adding the PowerShell snappin on the Catch Block
Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
if($Error[0].Exception.Message.Contains("No Windows PowerShell snap-ins matching the pattern 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell' were found"))
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
Write-Host "Finished Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green
function WaitForTimerJobToFinish([string] $solutionName){
$jobname = "*solution-deployment*$solutionName*"
$job = Get-SpTimerJob | ?{ $_.Name -like $jobname }
if($job -eq $null){
write-host "timer job not found"
else {
$jobfullname = $job.Name
write-host -NoNewLine "waiting to finish job $jobfullname.."
while((Get-SPTimerJob $jobfullname) -ne $null){
write-host -NoNewLine .
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
write-host "=|="
function Add-SandboxSolution([System.Xml.XmlElement]$solutionXml,[string]$solutionsFolder , [bool]$includeFeatures , [string]$siteurl) {
Write-Host "deploying a sandbox solution $($solutionXml.Name) to $($siteurl)"
if($solutionsFolder -eq $null){
Write-Host "No solutions folder defined"
$path = $global:currPath + $solutionsFolder + "" + $solutionXml.Name + ".wsp"
$url = $solutionXml.Target
if($url -eq "this"){
$url = $global:thisUrl
if($url -eq "root"){
$url = $global:thisIISUrl
$includeFeatures = $true
if($url -eq "site"){
$url = $siteurl
if($solutionXml.Sandbox -eq "True"){
Write-Host "deploying to target $($url)"
if($solutionXml.Name.length -gt 0){
$solutionFileName = $solutionXml.Name + ".wsp"
$solutionFileOldName = $solutionXml.OldName + ".wsp"
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution -Identity $solutionFileName -Site $url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($solutionXml.OldName -ne $null){
$oldsolution = Get-SPUserSolution -Identity $solutionFileOldName -Site $url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host "Found solution $($oldsolution.Name) Guid = $($oldsolution.SolutionId) status = $($oldsolution.Status)"
if($solution -ne $null){
write-host "Found solution $($solution.Name) Guid = $($solution.SolutionId) status = $($solution.Status)"
if(($solutionXml.RemoveIfExists -eq "True") -or ($solutionXml.Upgrade -eq "False") ){
Write-Host "removing sandbox solution "
Remove-SPUserSolution -Identity $solutionFileName -Site $url
Write-Host "adding sandbox solution from $($path)"
Add-SPUserSolution -LiteralPath $path -Site $url
$solution = Get-SPUserSolution -Identity $solutionFileName -Site $url
write-host "Successfully added solution $($solution.Name) Guid = $($solution.SolutionId)"
if($solution -ne $null){
if($solutionXml.Target -ne $null){
if($solutionXml.Upgrade -eq "True"){
if($oldsolution -ne $null){
write-host "Upgrading from solution $($solution.OldName) to $($solution.Name)"
Update-SPUserSolution -Identity $solutionFileOldName -ToSolution $solutionFileName -Site $url
write-host "COuld not open previous solution $($solution.OldName) "
Write-Host "installing sandbox solution to $($url)"
Install-SPUserSolution -Identity $solution.Name -Site $url
WaitForTimerJobToFinish $solution.Name
if($includeFeatures -eq $true -and $url -ne $null){
$solutionXml.Features.Feature | ForEach-Object {
write-host "activating sandbox feature $($_.Name) in $($url)"
$x = Enable-SPFeature -Identity $_.Name -url $url -Force
Write-Host "solution target not specified"
if($includeFeatures -eq $true -and $url -ne $null){
$solutionXml.Features.Feature | ForEach-Object {
Add-Feature $_ $url
write-host "Finished deploying solution"
write-host "Not a sandbox solution"
$ConfigXmlPath = $scriptBase + "..ConfigXMLDeployConfiguration.xml"
Write-Host "Read the Config Values" -ForegroundColor Green
[Xml]$Config = Get-Content $ConfigXmlPath
$solutionPath = $scriptBase + "..SandBoxSolutions"
$Config.Configuration.Solutions.Solution | Where-Object {$_.Sandbox -eq "True" } | ForEach-Object{
Add-SandboxSolution $_ $solutionPath $false $Config.Configuration.PublishingSite.URL
Write-Host "Custom Exception Happened on Main : " + $Error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
And the config file as below.
<Configuration EnvironmentName="Dev5">
<PublishingSite URL="" />
<Solution Name="MYWSPName" Target="site" Sandbox="True" RemoveIfExists="True" Upgrade="False" OldName=" MYWSPName "/>
Happy Coding,
Sathish Nadarajan.
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