Hi everyone,
In this article we will see how to enable withCredentials config in you Angular project. Before going further let us see the requirement of using withCredentials, in the following link you can find the description of withCredential – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#Requests_with_credentials
angular.module("App", []) .controller("Ctrl", function ($scope, $http) { var URL = "https://mywebapi/api/names"; var requestHeader = { getHeader: { 'headers': { 'accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose' } } }; var result = $http.get(URL, requestHeader.getHeader) .then(function (response) { var data = JSON.parse(response.data); $scope.values = data console.log(data); return data; }); }) .config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true; }])
Happy Coding
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