How to Identify the Version and Service Packs installed on a SharePoint 2013 Server

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
May 13, 2014
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In many cases, we may not be bothered about the Version, Service Packs installed on our Server when we do the development. It is obvious that, when we get the requirement, immediately we will start analysis the requirement.

But recently there was a situation that one of our client wants to move on to the new Service Pack which released on this April. In that case, we may also have to analyze the impact of the new Service Pack. Before knowing that, I just wanted to know, what are the things installed on our Dev environment first. Then on top of it, what needs to be installed and what would be the impact after installation.

To answer all these questions, First we need to know what is the version installed on our Farm.

Use the following command to get the Version of the product installed using PowerShell script.


The output of the above command will be something like,


By seeing the GUID, we will be able to identify the Product. These GUIDs will not change. On all the environments, and all the machines, the GUIDs will remain same.

Here are all of the product GUIDs:

35466B1A-B17B-4DFB-A703-F74E2A1F5F5EProject Server 2013
BC7BAF08-4D97-462C-8411-341052402E71Project Server 2013 Preview
C5D855EE-F32B-4A1C-97A8-F0A28CE02F9CSharePoint Server 2013
CBF97833-C73A-4BAF-9ED3-D47B3CFF51BESharePoint Server 2013 Preview
B7D84C2B-0754-49E4-B7BE-7EE321DCE0A9SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise
298A586A-E3C1-42F0-AFE0-4BCFDC2E7CD0SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise Preview
D6B57A0D-AE69-4A3E-B031-1F993EE52EDCMicrosoft Office Web Apps Server 2013
9FF54EBC-8C12-47D7-854F-3865D4BE8118SharePoint Foundation 2013

And to know about the Service Packs, there is no need of any PowerShell Commands. That we can directly go to the Central Administration and find.

1. Go to Central Administration.


3. Click on “Upgrade and Migration” on the Quick Links.


5. Click on “Check Product and Patch Installation Status”


7. This will tell us the current Patches Installation. By seeing the Version column we can identify. On the screen shot above shared, there is no SP installed. You can download the latest Service Pack from Here.

8. To Identify the Version through C#, please refer the link

Happy Coding.

Sathish Nadarajan.

Author Info

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
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Sathish is a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint (Office Servers and Services) having 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Aided Design and Business more

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