Lots can be achieved through SPFx webpart. Well, at the same time developers have huge responsibility to keep track on the solution, how it behaves and quick way to find the root cause in case of bug or failure. In this article lets see how we can include Azure Application Insights in your SPFx solution. You can also include App Insight in application customizer SPFx solution to monitor SharePoint pages but here I added it in WebPart since I need to monitor only that particular webpart.
All we need from azure is Instrumental key from Application Insights,
Quickly I jump into the code by considering, we already have Application Insights created in azure. To keep it simple I just added new webpart in my existing SPFx solution,
Add the following packages,
npm i @microsoft/applicationinsights-react-js @microsoft/applicationinsights-web
import { LogLevel, ILogListener, ILogEntry } from "@pnp/logging"; import { ApplicationInsights, IEventTelemetry, SeverityLevel, Telemetry } from '@microsoft/applicationinsights-web'; import { ReactPlugin } from '@microsoft/applicationinsights-react-js'; import { createBrowserHistory } from "history"; import { CONST } from "../utils/Const"; import { _logMessageFormat, _logEventFormat, _hashUser } from "../utils/Utilities"; export class AILogListenerService implements ILogListener { private static _appInsightsInstance: ApplicationInsights; private static _reactPluginInstance: ReactPlugin; constructor(currentUser: string) { if (!AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance) AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance = AILogListenerService._initializeAI(currentUser); } private static _initializeAI(currentUser?: string): ApplicationInsights { const browserHistory = createBrowserHistory({ basename: '' }); AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance = new ReactPlugin(); const appInsights = new ApplicationInsights({ config: { maxBatchInterval: 0, instrumentationKey: AZURE_APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY_ENVV, namePrefix: WEBPART_NAME_ENVV, // Used as Postfix for cookie and localStorage disableFetchTracking: false, // To avoid tracking on all fetch disableAjaxTracking: true, // Not to autocollect Ajax calls extensions: [AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance], extensionConfig: { [AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance.identifier]: { history: browserHistory } } } }); appInsights.loadAppInsights(); appInsights.context.application.ver = WEBPART_VERSION_ENVV; // application_Version appInsights.setAuthenticatedUserContext(_hashUser(currentUser)); // user_AuthenticateId return appInsights; } public static getReactPluginInstance(): ReactPlugin { if (!AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance) { AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance = new ReactPlugin(); } return AILogListenerService._reactPluginInstance; } public trackEvent(name: string): void { if (AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance) AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance.trackEvent(_logEventFormat(name), CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps); } public log(entry: ILogEntry): void { const msg = _logMessageFormat(entry); if (entry.level === LogLevel.Off) { // No log required since the level is Off return; } if (AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance) switch (entry.level) { case LogLevel.Verbose: AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance.trackTrace({ message: msg, severityLevel: SeverityLevel.Verbose }, CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps); console.log({ ...CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps, Message: msg }); break; case LogLevel.Info: AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance.trackTrace({ message: msg, severityLevel: SeverityLevel.Information }, CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps); console.log({ ...CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps, Message: msg }); break; case LogLevel.Warning: AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance.trackTrace({ message: msg, severityLevel: SeverityLevel.Warning }, CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps); console.warn({ ...CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps, Message: msg }); break; case LogLevel.Error: AILogListenerService._appInsightsInstance.trackException({ error: new Error(msg), severityLevel: SeverityLevel.Error }); console.error({ ...CONST.ApplicationInsights.CustomProps, Message: msg }); break; } } }
export default class MyApplicationInsightsWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IMyApplicationInsightsWebPartProps> { public onInit(): Promise<void> { Logger.subscribe(new AILogListenerService(this.context.pageContext.user.email)); if (DEBUG) Logger.activeLogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose; return Promise.resolve<void>(); }

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