How to view output from SharePoint 2013 REST API as JSON instead of Atom XML

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
June 19, 2014
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By default, SharePoint 2013 REST API returns output as Atom XML and there is no option to return data as JSON unless appropriate headers as passed with the request.

Usually, if you append your query with $format=json, the output would be converted into JSON in normal REST APIs. But this is not supported in SharePoint 2013 REST API and thus it rules out the possibility of viewing the data as JSON while you directly access the REST API in browser.

JQuery Ajax Request

The alternative would be perform an ajax request with passing “application/json” as “Accept” header. This would involve some JavaScript coding and jQuery request to perform the operation. Check out the “Knockout Js and (jQuery request)” topic in this blog post to learn more on how to perform this request. This article also discusses other possible options to perform the same operation with the help of jQuery

Rest Calls without jQuery

If you wish to just view the content as JSON from SharePoint REST API, then the easiest alternative would be to use Advanced REST Client Extension for Chrome. This extension allows you to perform all kinds of REST calls and also provided provision to and headers to REST Calls. To know more about other JSON tools for SharePoint, check this blog post

Download Advanced REST Client Application

Category : Share Point 2013

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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