OTB Delegate controls and Content Placeholders in SharePoint 2013 Publishing Master Page

Sivarajan Raju
SharePoint Consultant
January 20, 2013
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This post on Delegate controls and Content Placeholders in SharePoint 2013 Publishing Master Page is an out come of one of my current task on a complex publishing web portal for both Internet and Intranet users using SharePoint 2013. Client’s requirements are to support all major browsers and smart phones. So I decided to explore the default publishing Seattle master page.

Here I have listed out my understanding .

· Cleanup the Master Page

· Identify the Delegate controls

· Identify the Master page regions

· Override the Delegate controls based on the customer requirements

· Reposition/hide the controls based on requirements

Cleanup the default Master Page

Before identifying the master page controls, I formatted the html markup tags using SharePoint Designer and provide the proper inline comments line by line. So that someone can easily understand the markup. You can find the formatted master page here.


Next I started listing out the Delegate Controls.


Delegate Controls

You can find here the complete list of delegate controls .We can easily override these controls with our custom implementations. In subsequent posts we can see how to override these Delegate Controls one by one.

Delegate ControlScreen ShotDescriptions
GlobalNavigationcm2To add the custom links globally.
GlobalSiteLink3cm3To enable Farm level global links and not specific for web application or site collection level
SuiteBarBrandingDelegatecm4To override the default “SharePoint” text at left corner
SuiteLinksDelegatecm5To add more links like “Newsfeed”, “SkyDrive”
GlobalSiteLink0cm6SharePoint uses this one to publish the variations menu. Please carefully override this Delegate control if needed
PromotedActionscm7To add more links between Share and Follow icon
PublishingConsolecm8While editing the page, Server Ribbon will be loaded using this Delegate Control and we extend this using Custom Action
SmallSearchInputBoxcm9This delegate control will be using to override Search box
QuickLaunchDataSourcecm10To load the custom quick launch data source
TreeViewAndDataSourcecm11To load the custom tree view data source
AdditionalPageHeadN/AThis will be available inside the <head> tag and helpful to load the custom css / javascript


Master Page Regions

Next I started to identify the master page regions. This will be helpful to apply our custom branding successfully. You can see the major region in the blow screen shot.


I have captured below the starting tag of each region and it will be helpful us to reposition the regions based on our requirements.

NoDescriptionHtml Tag
1Site Logo<div id="siteIcon"
2Top navigation menu<SharePoint:AspMenu ID="TopNavigationMenu"
3Page Title<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea"
4Title’s Description<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea"
5Site Contents in Quick launch menu<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderQuickLaunchBottom"
6Content Area<div id="contentBox"
7Notification message<div id="notificationArea"
8Welcome text<div id="welcomeMenuBox"
9Site Action menu<SharePoint:SiteActions
10Help menu<span id="ms-help"
11Full screen mode<span id="fullscreenmodebox"
12Left navigation bar<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderLeftNavBar"


In my next article, we will see how to apply custom color and fonts by overriding OTB CSS classes.

Category : SharePoint

Author Info

Sivarajan Raju
SharePoint Consultant
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Sivarajan 8 Plus years of experience in providing end-to-end solutions in the area of Web Technologies using Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2007, .NET Implemented several large-scale SharePoint portal solutions. Vast experience in ...read more

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