To identify whether a list is associated with InfoPath Form or not, we have a Property called _ipfs_infopathenabled, which will have a value of True. If the list is not attached, the property itself will not be available.
And specifically, the infopath can be associated to any of the content type. Hence, we need to iterate through the content types in the list and identify whether any of the content type is having the property or not.
function AddPowerShellSnapin()
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
Write-Host "Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Try to get the PowerShell Snappin. If not, then adding the PowerShell snappin on the Catch Block
Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
if($Error[0].Exception.Message.Contains("No Windows PowerShell snap-ins matching the pattern 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell' were found"))
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
Write-Host "Finished Adding PowerShell Snap-in" -ForegroundColor Green
function IsInfoPathUsed($List)
$InfoPath_Used = "False"
foreach($contentType in $list.ContentTypes)
$InfoPath_Used = $contentType.ResourceFolder.Properties[“_ipfs_infopathenabled”]
if($InfoPath_Used -eq "True")
return $InfoPath_Used
$Web = Get-SPWeb "http://sathishserver:555/sites/developersite"
# Get the Lists
$Lists = $Web.Lists
# Iterate through the Lists
foreach($List in $Lists)
write-Host "Get Lists With InfoPath in -" + $List.Title
$IsInfoPathUsed = IsInfoPathUsed($List)
if($IsInfoPathUsed -eq "True")
$output = $_.SiteCollectionURL + "," + $Web.Url + "," + $List.Title + "," + $List.DefaultViewUrl
Add-Content $ListsWithInfoPath_CSV_Path $output
Happy Coding,
Sathish Nadarajan.
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