Recent Tweets – An Updated Twitter Feed Widget for with REST API v1.1

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
October 13, 2012
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Recent Tweets widget is a new Twitter Feed Widget for built on the new REST API published by Twitter. Due to the recent change in Twitter API , the earlier version of Twitter widget that I was using in my blog stopped working. On further investigation I found that twitter has stopped serving content for RSS feed Url  API. So I created this widget based on the new API published by Twitter.

This widget is an rewrite of an existing Twitter Feed widget available for The original implementation relies on RSS feed URL data served by Twitter API. The new API for twitter serves content in both XML and json format . The xml format is completely changed when compared to the older xml schema and has numerous option to control and filter the data through query string parameters . To learn more about the options available in new API  refer this Url

What is New ?

The below is the old url which is used in Twitter widget to pull the content from Twitter. ( I have used my Twitter handler for this example , replace it with your handler) (Not Valid)

The above url is no more valid. The new URL has to be in the structure of any one of the below links (Used in Widget)

As the extension of the url implies, the first url servers the content in XML format and the second url servers the content in json format. I have developed this widget based on XML format so the url should be with xml as its extension and can be with or with out parameters defined in the API.

The below is the screen shot of Recent Tweets widget for which I am using in my blog.


How to Configure ?

The below is  the screen shot of configuration part. Replace Ashok_Raja with your twitter handler in twitter url, REST API url and Follow Me text. To customize API url , please refer API documentation available here.



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Category : BlogEngine, Twitter

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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