Recent Tweets, the Twitter Widget for Blog Engine Updated for Twitter API Change

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
March 6, 2013
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This is an update for the existing Recent Tweets, the Twitter Feed widget for Blog Engine, which I have published on BlogEngine gallery. I made this update due to the changes in Twitter API Version 1.1 which requires authentication for every API call.

Now on, the Recent Tweets widget allows rendering Tweets in 2 modes. One is the Twitter TimeLine mode which is based on Widget Id provided by Twitter. The other one is the Blog Engine mode, which is a customized version of Twitter Timeline with option to opt out mentions and enable caching requests from hitting Twitter servers for every page view.

Both the methods requires registration with Twitter and let’s see how to configure Twitter to avail these features

Option 1: Embedded Time line Mode

1. Get a Widget Id from Twitter by following the steps mentioned in this link

2. Download the Recent Tweets Widget from and add this widget to your blog

3. Edit the Widget and go to the settings page

4. Select “Twitter TimeLine Mode” option

5. Provide the widget Id and Twitter Screen name

Embedded Widget Settings

6. Click Save. This would render the widget as shown below.

Embedded Widget

Option 2: BlogEngine Mode

1. This mode requires Consumer key, consumer secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. Create these items by following the procedure mentioned in this link

2. Download the Recent Tweets Widget from and add this widget to your blog

3. Edit the Widget and go to the settings page

4. Select “BlogEngine Mode” option

5. Provide the consumer key, secret, access token, access token secret which you have obtained from Twitter by following the step 1

BlogEngine Mode Settings

6. The other additional options accepts number of tweets to be displayed, option to ignore mention, polling interval and custom follow me text. Provide appropriate values which may fit your requirement and click save to persist the changes

7. This would render the Twitter widget as displayed bellow.

BlogEngine Mode

Note : As per the initial announcement made by Twitter, the earlier API’s will be deprecated starting from March 5, 2013. The newer version  of API ( Version 1.1) requires authentication token for displaying Tweets in external applications.

Download Widget

Category : BlogEngine, Twitter

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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