Sathish Is Now A SharePoint MVP

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
July 1, 2016
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With immense pleasure, I am happy to let you know that Microsoft have conferred SharePoint MVP Award to Sathish under the category Office Servers and Services for the year 2016 in recognition for his exceptional contribution to the SharePoint Community. We,at SharePoint Pals, are proud to be part of his journey and wish him all the success.

Journey of Sathish

Sathish started his blogging at SharePoint Pals during early 2013 and have contributed more than 200+ articles during this short span of period with an average of 70+ articles per year, which turns to more than 1 article per week which is extraordinary in any terms. It’s not an easy task to write one article per week, which is impossible without dedication, hard work and perseverance. I am sure that this would be a very big motivation for the fellow authors and future MVPs.  Congratulations Sathish !!!. You have done it Smile 

About MVP Award

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional is the highest community award conferred by Microsoft to recognize the community leaders who actively share their high quality , real world experiences with others. More about MVP Award can be found here

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Category : SharePoint

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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