SharePoint Server Search Returns an Error – Object reference not set to an instance of an object

SharePoint Consultant
January 1, 2013
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While we run a SharePoint search query in smaller environment, we might land up with an error message that states Object reference not set to an instance of an object. SharePoint serves as a good diet for adventurous people; even after spending good amount of time in using this platform, we will continue to face new hurdles that were never handled before.

In our current environment we had set the Content Sources which gives a clean-page Crawl History. But while trying to search, we landed with a good old obscure Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. Luckily with a lit bit of research found out that the query web part tried to access the proxy and it was being denied access.

All we did was created a DisableLoopbackCheck registry key on our application server and restarted the IIS. Bingo, it worked.

Steps to create the registry key are as follows:

•    Start, Run and type regedit
•    In registry editor, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
•    In Lsa, select MSV1_0
•    Right click MSV1_0 and click on New
•    Select Multi-String Value in the menu
•    Enter name as BackConnectionHostNames
•    Right click BackConnectionHostNames and click Modify
•    In the Value data box, type the host name for the sites
•    Quit registry editor

Restart the IISAdmin service by using IISReset in the command prompt.

And now try search, it should work. Happy searching…..

Category : SharePoint

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SharePoint Consultant
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SharePoint Consultant and Subject Matter Expert in SharePoint and Office 365 more

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