SPFX – Array Manipulation Using TypeScript – Explained with SetTheory Concepts

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
August 3, 2021
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Almost in every application or webpart, any developer would be dealing with the Array and any type of collection.  There are few scenarios which I faced with respect to the Difference, Union etc., Just wanted to share with the audience.

For the below article, let us use the basic Arrays.  I have two Array of file names.

One with the total files which I have in a document library.

allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]

The Second one, only the required files.

filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]



Basically, I need to delete the files “File1, File3 and File4”.  To identify that, doing a for loop and all, I don’t want to do that.  The simplest way is as below.


allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]
filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]
let filesToBeDeleted = allFilesInsideFolder.filter(x => !filesToCopy.includes(x));
filesToBeDeleted = [‘File1.txt’,‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’]



May be, in some scenario if I want only the files which are available on both the array, then


allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]
filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]
let intersectionFiles = allFilesInsideFolder.filter(x => filesToCopy.includes(x));
intersectionFiles = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]


Symmetric Difference

In case, if I want only the unique files, i.e., any file which is present either in allFilesInsideFolder or filesToCopy array, then


allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]
filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]
let symmetricdifference = allFilesInsideFolder
.filter(x => ! filesToCopy.includes(x))
.concat(filesToCopy.filter(x => ! allFilesInsideFolder.includes(x)));
symmetricdifference = [ ‘File1.txt’, ‘File3.txt’,‘File4.txt’,‘File6.txt’]



In case, if I want both the array elements, then


allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]
filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]
let union = [...allFilesInsideFolder, ... filesToCopy];
union = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]


This will have duplicates.  But the distinct union will not have duplicates.


Distinct Union

If I want the distinct elements in both the arrays, then


allFilesInsideFolder = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’]
filesToCopy = [ ‘File2.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]
let distinctunion = [...new Set([...allFilesInsideFolder, ... filesToCopy)];
distinctunion = [‘File1.txt’, ‘File2.txt’, ‘File3.txt’, ‘File4.txt’, ‘File5.txt’, ‘Files6.txt’]


Happy Coding

Sathish Nadarajan









Author Info

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
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Sathish is a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint (Office Servers and Services) having 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Aided Design and Business ...read more

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