Step by Step Procedure to create Nested Flow – Microsoft Flow

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
November 2, 2018
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Almost all the customers are using the Microsoft Flow intensively nowadays for basic functionalities. But there are certain limitations with the Flow till now. Please refer to the link for the limitations before planning for the Flow.

Recently, I was facing a workflow which has more than 300 actions in that. I was about to convert the steps to the equivalent Flow actions. But, because of the restriction (A flow can have only 250 actions), I cannot exactly convert the same. As a workaround, Microsoft itself, suggesting to go with the Nested Flows. i.e., Consuming a flow within a Flow. Hence, the flows which goes beyond 250 actions can be splitted to separate flows and can be consumed as methods. (Not exactly as methods, but I am referring them as methods).

Let me create two flows. One is the parent flow and the second one as Child Flow.

1. I have created a ParentFlow as shown below.


2. Now, let us create a Child Flow. The trigger is, a request.


3. In my case, I am going to receive only the title of the list item from the Parent flow. Hence, on the Child flow, Request Action, the JSON object will be something like below.


4. Now, the consumer should pass the json object “title”.

5. The simple Child flow looks as below.


6. Now, the parent flow, is been introduced with a HTTP action.


7. The HTTP action, is passing the URL, POST method and the body json object as below.


8. Once, we save the Child method, we will get the URL. We can copy that, and paste it here.

9. Now, when I create an Item on the list List1, the parent flow triggers and it consumes the child flow and the child flow creates an item on another list and the control comes back to the parent flow. The parent flow, then sends an email.

10. By this way, we can construct any bigger flows.

Happy Coding,

Sathish Nadarajan.

Category : Microsoft Flow

Author Info

Sathish Nadarajan
Solution Architect
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Sathish is a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint (Office Servers and Services) having 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Aided Design and Business more

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