Text filter web part issue and workaround solution in

Hari Rama Krishnan
Technology Specialist
May 27, 2018
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Hi all, I have Recently faced an issue while adding the out of box filter web part in SharePoint list view page, after setting the filter connections the filter has not applied properly so I have analyzed and find the solution, that we need to do little change in list view web part to make filter web part work, please find the steps to add the filter web part and work around for the same to make it work properly

1) Edit the list view page and add the below filter web parts Text filters is to enter the filter value and apply filter button is to show result when the user click on the button


2) Set the connection to the list


3) Small popup screen will be open , if its not open please check the your chrome or IE is blocking the popup, in the popup screen configure the connection

a) In the connection type dropdown select the “ Get filter values from” and click configure button as shown in the below screenshot


b) In the connection settings please field name for which you need to apply filter and click finish


4) Now we set the connection and the screen look as below


5) Click stop editing

6) Now enter the value in the text filter box and click apply button , you can filter has applied , but filter value will not be shown in the result as below screenshot


7) Don’t become strange , now we are going for the workaround solution, edit the page and edit the list view web part and check whether the “Server render” checkbox enabled or not, if not please enable as shown in the below screenshot and click stop editing


8) now go and search the result by the entering the value in the textbox filter and click apply filter button , you will get the result as expected

Before clicking filter button you can see 2 values


After clicking the filter button you can see the result based on the value enter in textbox


Hope the above article save few hours of effort.

Happy Coding,

Hariramakrishnan Vasuthevan

Category : SharePoint

Author Info

Hari Rama Krishnan
Technology Specialist
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Hariramakrishnan Vasuthevan is a SharePoint Consultant and he has very good experience in the field of Microsoft Technologies, specifically SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and O365, ASP.NET, Angular JS. He involved ...read more

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